Be Sure To Get Comprehensive, Itemized Quotes When Working With Local Businesses
My cousin, Brian Hamor, runs Hamor Architecture Associates LLC in Stowe, Vermont. He recently reached out, and asked for PC and monitor upgrade recommendations for AutoCAD, Archicad, Photoshop, and general office tasks.

The Infrastructure Behind Hamor Photography — Introduction: Beware of Business-class and Consumer-grade Internet
If you’re a sole proprietor, or run a small business, then chances are that you’re also your own technical support team. Nowadays, as an entrepreneur, it doesn’t matter what job title you’ve given yourself. You’ll also have to learn how to install and maintain your own network. That is, unless you can afford to hire a trusted information systems (IS) or information technology (IT) contractor to build and monitor your network for you.

Weekend Photo News and Journalism Roundup for July 25-26, 2020
Topics: Chinese drone manufacturer responds to recent security concerns over Android app • SpaceX Starlink satellites appear in photos of Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) • Create Shell Scripts to Create Your Own Local Fix for Poor App UI/UX • AP to equip all visual journalists globally with Sony imaging products • Software and Firmware Updates
The Canon Rumor Mill Is Working Overtime…
The Canon rumor mill is currently buzzing over the fact that dozens of lenses have disappeared off of Canon's EOS (SLR) Camera Systems website, and are now hiding in the discontinued product archive. I first noticed the missing products while researching Canon's last flagship 35mm film body, the Canon EOS-1v HS, which was also moved to the archive.